Herbal Rituals for Winter Health and Wonderment

Class Replay

In the northern hemisphere, as we move away from the sun we are beckoned inward and towards the dark. The shift into winter heralds many invitations: for the body to drop in and down, for the mind to soften and rest, and for the spirit to expand into the mystery and the void.

This class will focus on how to support the whole self coming into balance with the winter season. We will also look at the magic wonder can work in the wintertime, as wonder is a healing and reparative state for us to experience.

As with the co-creative cycle, the wheel of the year holds winter as a time of deep introspection, discovery, and dreaming. Every season creates opportunities to come into greater balance, and though it is often overlooked as a difficult or less-fun time, there are many accessible ways to support this downshift with the aid of the plants in all their multidimensional guidance.

from $22.00